Is sinne Comhairle nam Pàrant Bun-Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce. Fàilte dhan làrach-lìn againn
Ceistean Cumanta
Gnìomhan Sgoile
Taic do Phàrantan
Ar Coimhearsnachd
Ceistean sam bith? Cuiribh post-d gu
Welcome to the website for the Parent Council of Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Edinburgh’s Gaelic School
FAQ’s and School Handbook
School Activities & Clubs
Support for Parents
Our Community
If you have any questions please email
Buill Chomhairle nam Pàrant | Elected Members
Co-chaithrichean | Co-chairs
Nerrissa Drennan-Lang
& Caroline Daye
Rùnaire | Secretary
Victoria Clerck
Ionmhasair | Treasurer
Amanda Waite
Elected Members role descriptions
Our Class Reps are listed on our communication page
Mu Dheidhinn Sinne | About Us
The Parent Council of Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce was established under the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.
The role of the Parent Council is to:
a. support and promote the provision of Gaelic medium education and Gaelic culture, both in the school and in the wider community.
b. promote the maintenance of a welcoming school environment which is inclusive and promotes equality and diversity.
c. engage in activities to support and advance the education and well-being of pupils attending the School;
d. work to ensure close co-operation and effective communication between parents, teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and the wider community;
e. consult with and represent the views of the Parent Forum on issues of education provision and on the well-being of the school community
What does the Parent Council do? The parent council represents the views of the parents at TnP, voicing the issues that are important to the families to the school and to the local authority, fostering strong home school partnerships ensuring that parents and carers know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward.
The Parent Council of Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce supports the running of the school, working closely with the senior management team to identify key educational and developmental priorities and how best to engage the parents their children’s learning and in the life of the school.
The Parent Council works across the city with other Parent Councils and the Council to address areas of common and specific interest in our children’s education – this is through the Locality meetings with Primary and Secondary PCs in the North East and South East – as well as the city-wide Consultative Committee with Parents. And on specific Gaelic Medium matters the PC is represented on the Gaelic Implementation Group which oversees the delivery of the Council’s Gaelic Language Plan (currently 2024-2029).
Events & fundraising: We run a number of events throughout the year. The school events are a great way for families to get involved in the life of the school, to meet other parents and teachers, and to build a sense of community. The events are also the main source of the Parent Council’s fundraising. The money raised by the PC events is spent on a wide range of activities and materials that support and enhance our children’s education and we are always open to offers of help. If you have an idea, the Events & Fundraising Group would love to hear it! There are a number of ways you can support the school from your armchair; EasyFundraising, the School Lottery… Find out more on the Community page