Daoine ~ People

Buill Chomhairle nam Pàrant

The Parent Council of Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce was established under the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.

The role of the Parent Council is to:

a. support and promote the provision of Gaelic medium education and Gaelic culture, both in the school and in the wider community.

b. promote the maintenance of a welcoming school environment which is inclusive and promotes equality and diversity.

c. engage in activities to support and advance the education and well-being of pupils attending the School;

d. work to ensure close co-operation and effective communication between parents, teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and the wider community;

e. consult with and represent the views of the Parent Forum on issues of education provision and on the well-being of the school community.

Office bearer roles

Tha fàilte ro gach ball den bhuidhinn phàrant do na coinneamhan. Chaidh na buill a leanas a thaghadh airson Chomhairle nam Pàrant:

All parents/carers are welcome to attend Parent Council meetings. The following people are the elected office bearers:

Co-chaithrichean/Co-Chairs : Nerissa Drennan-Lang agus Caroline Daye

Rùnairean/ Secretaries: Vacancy

Ionmhasair/Treasurer : Padraic Kinsella (acting)