We have summarised an A to Z of school FAQs about Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce below. For full school information please view the School Handbook or visit the school website
School FAQs
If your child is absent from school, please leave a phone message on the school office’s answer phone 0131 553 5856 (option 1) before 9am, and provide:
- the child’s name and surname
- the child’s class
- the reason for absence
Please note that school staff are required to note a reason for absence. If there is no contact from a child’s parents, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.
Active Schools
Active Schools is an Edinburgh Council programme of sports classes delivered in the school at lunchtime and after school. The school will email you when classes become available to book. Visit the Active Schools website or our School Activities & Clubs page
After School Childcare
See Òganan Dhùn Èideann
Àm Cluiche – break time
C1 – C3: 10.15 – 10.30
C4 – C7: 10.35 – 10.50
Àm Dìnneir – lunch
C1 – C3: 12.20 – 12.45
C4 – C7: 12.50 – 13.35
School meals are free for children in C1 – C5 and parents of children in C6 and C7 can pay for their child to have a meal in school. All school meals must be booked in advance so that the school can order the correct amount of food.
Parents book and pay for school meals on the ‘ParentPay’ website. The ordering deadline is midnight on Wednesday the week before lunches are taken (so that the school can order food). Lunches can be ordered up to 100 days in advance. The current school dinner menu is available on the school website.
Lunches for the first week of a new term must always be booked in the last week of the previous term (school and catering staff don’t work during the holidays, so they won’t be able to process your order while the school is closed!)
For help using ParentPay to book lunches contact the school office
Apps for GME parents
There are a number of apps to help you support your child’s learning, including Abair Abairtean! created especially for parents with children in the early stages of GME.
See our Support for Parents page for links and resources
Click here for a list of apps to get you started
Abair Abairtean!
Aimed especially at parents with children in GME (early stages), the app has a range of simple phrases you can use in the home and outside playing. Each phrase has accompanying audio and “phonetic” spelling, as well as a colourful image.
There is an accompanying set of flashcards you can cut out, P1 families should have been given a set as part of the welcome event, or contact the Chairs for a digital copy.
Beag air Bheag, Little by Little
Song, sounds, phrases, grammar, quick fixes, a taste of Scottish Gaelic for absolute beginners and programs for the more advanced.
Duolingo is a free language learning app. Learn Scottish Gaelic in just 5 minutes a day. For free!
Gaelic 4 Parents
An online Gaelic education resource for parents and children interested and involved in Gaelic education. This site is bursting with games, stories, audio and much more to help you enjoy the experience of learning Gaelic, whatever your age or ability and has audio recordings of most of the books your child will bring home from school
There is a really useful download of flashcards for common Gaelic phrases here
Go Gaelic!
This site supports teachers following the Gaelic Language Learning (GLL) Training Course and who have little or no knowledge of Gaelic. The site has audio files and classroom resources that parents may find helpful
Bainne – Milk
If you wish, you can order milk for your child to have at school. Milk is paid for in advance by term or for the whole year, pupils get a carton each day. Those getting free school meals (outside of P1-P3) can get milk free of charge too. Please contact the school office for more information
Bòrd Òir
An exceptional piece of work, chosen by the class teacher fortnightly and displayed on the Bòrd Òir (Gold Board) in the school corridor.
Breakfast Club
See Òganan Dhùn Èideann
Bussing and Transport
Many primary pupils travel to and from Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce using free school transport. If there is an issue with transport leaving the school, the school will notify you via email. Should you need to follow up or report a problem, please call:
9.00am – 4.00pm – The school office – 0131 553 5856
4.00pm – 5.00pm – City of Edinburgh Council Travel Hub – 0131 469 2950
After 5.00pm – Edinburgh Council Switchboard – 0131 200 2000
Scroll down to ‘Transport Applications’ for information about how to apply.
Christmas Cards
Each year pupils get the chance to design their own Christmas card which is professionally printed. Parents/families can buy their child’s cards. This is a fun fundraiser for the school; it is run by the parent council and starts in the autumn term
A social networking site for parents to connect with each other and share information, resources and events related to their school. Email us for access
Collection Arrangements
The school requires all parents to provide written collection arrangements for their child. These are collected via this End of Day form.
Comhairle nam Pàrant – The Parent Council
Supports the school in its development and its day to day life. Fosters a strong home/school connection. Updates the parent body about events and developments within the school and is the voice of the parents in the school.
The parent council contacts parents and carers via Classlist, Class Reps and occasionally via school email.
Cruinneachadh – Assembly
These happen once a week in the school hall, on a Friday. They are a chance for the Headteacher to engage with children about school values and behaviours and celebrate achievements through Gaisgeach na Gàidhlig, Leanntainn ar Luachan, Sgoilear na Seachdain, and Bord Òir
The Parent Council runs events at the school throughout the year. These include Summer & Christmas Fairs, Cinema Night, Halloween Disco, Ceilidhs and Concerts. Dates for these are shared on Classlist and via email in the Headteacher’s newsletter.
The school runs a monthly Gaelic Café, Adult Gaelic classes, and Gaelic Information events. The Headteacher shares dates for these events in her email newsletter and the Parent Council shares them on Classlist.
Annual Gaelic events in Edinburgh include Edinburgh Local Mòd, Fèis Dhùn Èideann, and Seachdain na Gàidhlig. The school and it’s pupils are active participants in all of these events
Fèill na Nollaig – Christmas Fair
Held in early December in the school gym hall and has a range of stalls and a visit from Bodach na Nollaig (Santa Claus)!
The fair is run by the parent council; it is a big fundraiser and lots of fun, if you’d like to help please join the Events & Fundraising Group on Classlist or email us
Fèill Samhradh – Summer Fair
A fundraising fair ran by the Parent Council at the end of Summer Term.
First Aid
The school’s PSA team deliver First Aid to learners. First aid policy and procedures can be found on the school website
Free school meals
Information on free school meals can be found on the school website
The Parent Council run an active calendar of fundraising activities and events. Funds raised pay for:
One thing you can do today to start raising funds for the school is sign up to ‘Easyfundraising’. Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for the school. Retailers like Tesco make a small donation on top of every penny spent. Easy!
If you would like to get involved in fundraising or have an idea for something new for us to run, join the Events & Fundraising Group on Classlist or email us
Gaelic Classes for Adults
See our Learn to Speak Gaelic page (coming soon)
Gaelic Language Support
See our Parent Support page
Gaisgeach na Gàidhlig
A weekly award for pupils who make an effort to speak Gaelic, improve their Gaelic, or use exemplary Gaelic.
Gym kit
The kit for PE is T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes with non-marking soles.
Send gym kit named in a bag with your child at the start of the year. They are usually stored on your child’s peg. Teachers often remind the pupils to take the kit home at the end of a term for you to wash it, though they are busy!
You can find term and holiday dates on the council website
Reading homework goes home regularly, from C2 onwards, with the reading diary being used to share tasks and feedback between home and school. Some tasks may involve the use of the BookBug or Giglets online reading programmes.
Homework mats for Numeracy and Mathematics and Gaelic Literacy are sent home each term.
Homework help is available every evening from 5.30pm – 7.30pm, Monday to Thursday, on Facebook. Go to the ‘Gaelic 4 Parents’ Facebook page and press the ‘help’ button. www.facebook.com/gaelic4parents
In-Service Days
Days when staff are in but pupils are not, usually on Mondays or Tuesdays. The Edinburgh Council website holds up to date information on in-service days
Latha Spòrs – Sports Day
This is usually held in the summer in Pilrig Park. The school will confirm the date nearer to the event
Leanntainn ar Luachan
A pupil award for living school values, or acts of these. Nominated by class mates and chosen by class teacher fortnightly
Learning Journals
An online profile of your child’s learning that teachers use to share information about what your child is learning in school
Lost Property
The school are keen that pupils learn the importance of taking responsibility for their belongings… But we also recommend that you label everything!
Lost Property is kept in the downstairs corridor of the school. The box is accessible to parents, carers and pupils via reception and can be checked regularly. Please remember to check lost property in Òganan too.
If you would be able to help manage lost property, contact us via Classlist or email us
The school policy on medicine administration can be found on the school website. There is a form to complete, you can collect this from reception or ask the School Office to email a digital copy. No medication can be administered without the completed form. If your child needs medicine to be administered during school hours, please contact the school office in the first instance
Oifis na Sgoile – the School Office
You are invited to contact the school by phone, letter or email.
0131 553 5856
139 Bonnington Rd
Edinburgh, EH6 5NQ
If your communication relates to a specific child, please contact initially the head of pastoral care for the relevant year group (see Pastoral Care below)
Òganan Dhùn Èideann – Gaelic Childcare
Provides Edinburgh and the Lothians with a unique Gaelic-medium wraparound childcare facility for pre and primary school children.
Contact Òganan for breakfast club, after school care, private pre-school day care, and holiday clubs.
Telephone: 07985 326 110
Parent Consultations
Parent consultations are arranged twice yearly for parents/carers to discuss progress with their child’s teacher. These are in autumn and in spring. The school will contact you when it is time to book an appointment
Parent Council
The Parent Council invites any parent or carer to get involved in a range of activities to benefit our children. We meet every term, but you don’t need to attend a meeting to get involved. Email chairs@parantantaobhnapairce.org.uk
Parent Groups
There are a number of parent groups working on behalf of the parents to support the school, the pupils and their families. They are all listed on our Community page and you can contact them via Classlist or email us.
ParentPay is the website used by the school to book school meals, including packed lunches for days out. The school will give you instructions on how to set up your ParentPay account.
All school meals must be booked in advance so that the school can order the correct amount of food. The ordering deadline is midnight on Wednesday the week before lunches are taken. School staff then download the bookings, create lunch lists for each class, and order food for the following week with the Council’s catering supplier.
Please be aware that any meals you book during the holidays for the first week of term will not be on the lunch lists. Unfortunately this is a glitch with the ParentPay system – the website will still let you place an order for the first week back, even though the school is closed and there is no-one to add your booking to the external food order.
The school office will be happy to help if you are experiencing any difficulty with ordering meals admin@taobhnapairce.edin.sch.uk
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is the support the school gives for the physical and emotional wellbeing of pupils. Each class has a pastoral care contact on the school’s Senior Leadership Team.
Clas 1 & 2 – Mrs Reid
Clas 3, 4 & 6 – Ms Stewart
Clas 5 & 7 – Ms McIntyre
Email the school office to speak to your child’s pastoral care contact.
Pupil Council – Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice is the school Pupil Council, consisting of pupils from C1-7, meets regularly with the Head Teacher to take forward pupils’ views on all aspects of school life. Regular updates are part of the Headteacher updates at Parent Council meetings.
School Clubs
The parent council, the school and Active Schools collectively run a number of clubs and activities for pupils both in and out of school time. An up to date list can be found on our Activities page.
If you have an idea for a new school club or activity, email us
School Hours
School Gate
08.45 – 08.55
If you miss the gate, please report to the school office. Please be aware that staff are required to put a late mark on the register
08:55 – 14:45 Monday to Thursday
08:55 – 12:20 Friday
08:55 – 15:20 Monday to Thursday
08:55 – 12:30 Friday
08:45 – 15:15 Monday – Thursday
08:45 – 12:45 Friday
School photos
Photos are either taken of individuals and family groups or as full class portraits. The school will give advance notice of the date and type
Seachdain na Gàidhlig – World Gaelic Week
Sgoil-àraich – Gaelic medium nursery
A council-run, Gaelic medium nursery, for children of 3+. Many children go on to Sgoil Àraich from Cròileagan, but it’s not compulsory.
Sgoil-àraich Taobh na Pàirce is the Edinburgh Council feeder nursery for Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce.
Sgoilear na Seachdain
A weekly pupil award chosen by class teachers for making an effort, being a model pupil.
Sin an Sgeulachd
This is the name of the Headteacher’s newsletter, which is sent via email most Friday’s during term time. The newsletter contains important dates and celebrates pupil achievements
School Lottery
The fundraising lottery is an effective way to raise money for our school.
Each ticket enters you into two draws every week – a guaranteed cash prize for one of our supporters, plus a jackpot prize draw for £25,000.
For more information or to sign up, go to:
Term Dates
Visit Edinburgh Council website for term dates
The Parent Body/Parent Forum
You, the parents
Transport Applications
The school has a wide catchment and you can apply for School Transport if your child’s main home address is within the City of Edinburgh Council area and its distance from the school is greater than 2 miles.
School transport is provided by the Council’s Travel Hub. All queries about eligibility for transport should be directed to the Travel Hub.
City of Edinburgh Council Travel Hub
Telephone: 0131 469 2950
Edinburgh City Council issues a Transport Application Form for each session, along with guidance notes and information. This form is to be completed electronically and submitted by email.
Places on School Transport must be re-applied for each year.
The menu of uniform options at the time of writing are:
- White Polo Shirt
- White Shirt
- Navy Sweatshirt (Clas 1-6)
- Turquoise Hooded Top (Clas 7 only)
- Navy Jumper or Cardigan
- Navy Trousers, Shorts, Pinafore or Skirt
- Blue Gingham Dress
- Holyrood Tartan Kilted Skirt
- Holyrood Tartan Tie
- Navy or White Tights, Socks
- Book Bag
- Backpack
- Robust Footwear; suitable for running and playing outdoors
We organise second hand uniform sales throughout the year. Check Classlist or email us to find out about the next one.
Water bottle
We recommend your child brings in a full water bottle each day and we recommend that you name it!
Gaelic Education Organisations & Terms
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Scotland’s national Gaelic language body, responsible for promoting the development of Gaelic language and culture
Comann nam Pàrant (CnP)
The National Organisation supporting parents and carers of Gaelic Learners, CnP offers advice and support on Gaelic medium education. CnP supports the school, the Parent Council and the parent body.
We recommend you sign up to the Comann nam Pàrant Mailing List
CCwP – The Consultative Committee with Parents
The Consultative Committee with Parents (CCwP) is a forum for Edinburgh Council to consult with Parent Councils. It exists so that Parent Councils can give their views on proposed council policies relating to education. The CCwP cannot make decisions that are binding to the Edinburgh Council.
For these meetings, Taobh na Pàirce is in the South East Cluster. If you would like to check CCwP minutes, go into this link:
Cròileagan – Gaelic Playgroup
Playgroup for children under five to introduce Gaelic to young children and their parents and carers, through games and song.
In Edinburgh we have Cròileagan Dhùn Èideann who run playgroup sessions and parent & toddler Gaelic classes at Taobh na Pàirce and in Tollcross.
English Medium Education
GIG – Gaelic Implementation Group
A mix of council employees, Gaelic representatives and parents, instrumental in shaping and informing the implementation of the Gaelic Language Plan
GLP – Gaelic Language Plan
A government provision committed to developing the use of the Gaelic language and sustaining it. View the current plan 2024-2029
GME – Gaelic Medium Education
Bun-Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce follows a GME curriculum